
A lot of us might think cockroaches are only found in warmer climates and tropical destinations overseas, but some species do exist here in the UK.

Whilst slightly less common than other types of pest, cockroaches can fast become a problem if an infestation does occur and pose a serious human health risk. It is important to keep an eye out for the tell-tale signs that these critters may have been around, to keep you and your family safe.

Loughton Pest Control are a full-service pest control service based in Loughton, UK. Here, they share 5 types of cockroach in the UK and how to spot them, so you can identify and oust them before they gain a secure foothold in your home. 

  1. The American Cockroach – this species is normally found in dark, humid environments such as sewers and drains but will move into buildings in search of food. Keep an eye out for this pest in basements and dark corners of kitchens and bathrooms.
    • How to spot them? They are one of the largest species you will find at around 3-4cm long, distinctive due to its red-brown colour.  Females can produce up to 800 offspring per year, so do not let them hang around for long and get in touch with a pest controller.
  2. The Oriental Cockroach – this breed seeks cool, damp and dark places to breed, so are more likely to be found in sheds or garages, drains, pipes and basements. Pay particularly close attention near bins and compost, as this is where they are likely to feed.
    • How to spot them? This species is particularly recognisable due to its strong dark brown or black, colour. They are slightly larger than other types, reaching around 2-3cm at most, but still capable of climbing surfaces and entering the home.
  3. The German Cockroach – these roaches are especially agile and can climb over almost any smooth or vertical surface. They crave a warm, humid environment, meaning they are particularly attracted to bathrooms and kitchens. You will find that they can move around and spread easily, so if you spot this breed do not waste any time before calling your pest control service.
    • How to spot them? This species is one of the smallest you will find, with the adults between 1cm and 2cm long and therefore able to scuttle into the smallest cracks. They are a yellow-brownish colour with two distinctive dark stripes on their back.
  4. The Brown Banded Cockroach – the least common type seen in the UK, but still can be found in warm, humid places around buildings. Be particularly wary of this breed around hot electrical items or plumbing, or car engines. Once they have discovered warmth and a food supply this species will adapt and multiply fast, so get it dealt with right away.
    • How to spot them? The brown banded cockroach is small in size, usually at around 1-1.5cm long. As the name suggests, watch out for their light brown coloured stripes running across the back.
  5. Eggs and Nymphs – Breeding is one of the biggest and most alarming signs of a cockroach infestation in your home. Their eggs are carried in a light-brown case containing on average 30 – 40 offspring. Once hatched – the young, or “nymphs”, will very soon develop into fully grown insects and breed themselves.
    • How to spot them? After hatching, nymphs will appear a white colour which will soon darken to eventually match the adults. They will be smaller but expect them to grow quickly. Get it sorted right away before they multiply!

Loughton Pest Control deal with all manner of pest infestations. We can quickly and effectively inspect your property to determine and identify the nature of your pest problem. We’ll then choose the best treatment method available to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible. Book an appointment with us today.